Advanced Facial Treatments

Advanced Facial Treatments

Microneedling with Hyaluronic Acid Infusion and Replenishing Barrier Repair Mask ~ 165

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that works to rejuvenate your skin by boosting collagen and elastin production, which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and elevates the overall texture of your skin. Hyaluronic Acid Infusion will enhance your results by adding in hydration and instantly plumping! Followed with a replenishing, calming, and barrier strengthening mask and finished with calming mist and SPF. Minimal to no downtime. Within days, Your skin will be brighter, tighter, and smoother!

*Topical Numbing requires for this procedure

Jessner Chemical Peel with Follow Up Facial ~ 375

The Jessner Chemical Peel is a very reliable and safe medium-depth peel that is designed to improve more extensive skin issues and often gives a dramatic result.

The peel removes superficial layers of the skin and does require some downtime.

A consultation will be needed prior to scheduling The chemical peel.

Benefits –

Stimulates collagen production

Improves fine lines and wrinkles

Lightens hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and melasma

Reduces acne and skin congestion

Improves mild acne scarring

Tightens pores

Improves overall skin health

Brightens skin and restores a youthful glow

The chemical peel is done in one treatment session and followed up by a 90-minute Customize Skin Treatment one week later.

What to expect

Immediately after the chemical peel, you may experience mild redness, dry/tight skin, warmness, and sensitivity similar to a sunburn. After 2-3 days your skin will begin to peel for approximately 3 to 4 days. The entire process will take about one week. After the peeling has subsided, your skin will look refreshed and glowing. You will be ready for your follow-up skin treatment.