Cosmetic Enhancements

Cosmetic Enhancements

Permanent Eyeliner ~ 450

*Includes Free Touch-up

At ONE. we specialize in Permanent Makeup.

We strive for excellence and are committed to listening to your desires and achieving your makeup goals.

Our clients can choose from:

Permanent Eyeliner (top and bottom liner, top only, or bottom only).

Permanent Makeup is a cosmetic tattooing procedure. Your Permanent Makeup Technician will use a disposable, sterile needle to place pigment into the dermal layer of the skin. This is considered a permanent procedure, although it will fade over time. The average life span is anywhere from 2 – 7 years without any color refreshing/touching up. We use topical numbing to ensure the procedure is comfortable. The entire process will take approximately 1 hour.

Your purchase of Permanent Makeup entitles you to One Free Touch-Up . This can be used after 8 weeks of healing from your initial procedure, or within one year of your procedure date.

Important To Know Before Scheduling:

The treated area will appear darker than normal for 5-7 days. You may want to wait to schedule if you have any important events to attend.

Most medications are not in conflict with your procedure. You will need to consult with us at ONE. If you are taking blood thinners or if you suffer from allergies to any numbing ingredients. If you’ve suffered from mitral valve prolapse, have an artificial heart valve, or have any condition that means you need to take prophylactic antibiotics, you’ll also have to take them prior to being treated at our studio. If you are required to take antibiotics before seeing a dentist, you will need to take antibiotics before a permanent makeup procedure.

Color Selection:

For Permanent Eyeliner, our default color is black. We have found that this stays the truest for the longest time, even as it softens. However, there are other colors available should you feel strongly.

PreProcedure Instructions / Information :

If you are having Permanent Eyeliner, you cannot wear contact lenses for 24 hours after your procedure, be sure to bring your glasses with you.

It is best for you to arrive for your appointment without mascara if you are having Permanent Eyeliner.

Although not necessary, feel free to bring a photo of yourself to show your technician how you like to wear your eyeliner.

If you did not have our free consultation before your appointment, you will have a short consult with your technician before your procedure. During this time, you can discuss details and any questions you may have.

If you are prone to swelling, we recommend taking ibuprofen before your appointment. This will help with discomfort and also decrease swelling.

If you are having Permanent Eyeliner, you need to discontinue Latisse (or other lash-lengthening products) at least two weeks prior to your procedure. We will be unable to perform your Permanent eyeliner procedure if you have an active cold sore. Please contact our office at 304-212-4599 to reschedule.

Please arrive a few minutes early for your appointment to fill out paperwork.

Please bring a list of any medications you currently take.

After The Procedure:

You’ll leave with post procedure instructions and ointment that you will use sparingly for 3 days.

You may have swelling and are encouraged to use cold packs if needed.

Use gentle cleansers and avoid makeup on the treated area.

Healing time varies, usually taking from 5 – 7 days. The top layer of your Permanent Makeup will dry and flake off during this time. It’s very important that you do not pick the flaky areas, as you will pull color from your skin. Allow them to come off naturally. After the healing process is completed, you will notice the color is lighter and more natural.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to call us or schedule a free consult .

Microblading ~ 500

*Includes follow-up procedure

Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo that creates pigmented hair-like strokes into the Stratum basale layer (bottom layer) of the epidermis. Microblading creates, enhances and/or reshapes the appearance of your eyebrows. Your eyebrows will look fuller, more defined and natural. The procedure generally takes 1.5- 2 hours. This includes topical numbing, eyebrow mapping, and the tattooing procedure. You will come back 4 to 6 weeks later to have a follow up appointment. Yearly touchups are recommended. You will receive an email with pre-procedure instructions. After your first appointment, you will receive aftercare instructions and everything you need to properly care for your eyebrows.

Permanent Eyeliner Touch-Up ~ 200

Microblading Touch-Up ~ 200

Eyebrow Tint ~ 20

Eyebrow tinting is the process of applying semi-permanent pigment to enhance, shape, darken, and define your brows. Results typically last 4-6 weeks.

Eyelash Tint ~ 35

Lash tinting is the process of applying a semi-permanent pigment to your natural lashes, giving the appearance of darker and fuller eyelashes. Results typically last 4-5 weeks.